Monday, February 28, 2011

finding paragraph #3

After finding an area with a good concentration of birds the next step is to find the roost. The location of the roost is the most important factor in successful traffic hunting. You need to know what direction the birds are going so you can locate a field in the flight path. When looking for a field I either try to be near the roost or near the field they are feeding in. When birds get shot at or become separated from the flock they naturally head back to the roost and decoys set in a nearby field will often bring these birds in. In other situations it may be better to set up in field a mile closer to the roost then the field the birds are feeding in. If I think our group can put out a bigger spread and out call the group that is on the X, this is the situation I will choose. If no one is hunting the birds then I try to hunt closer to the roost. Competing with live birds in a nearby field is really difficult so I try to avoid it when possible. Setting up between two roosts is also a possibility, as birds will often trade back and forth between the two areas.

This talks about how they found a vey good hunting spot.

finding paragraph #2

To fulfill my post-season yearning for cupped-winged fowl, I grab my camera and head out in an attempt to grab that one shot, the photo you'll never tire of looking at. I approach my photo shoots with the same drive and enthusiasm as if chasing my quarry with a gun.

This talks about  how this man loves to gesse hunting.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #4

In sharp contrast to what squirrel hunters normally find after Christmas Day, the early season sees most trees still wearing full leaf. As well, the majority of the forest floor flora is also relatively lush. A squirrel that detects the presence of a hunter doesn't have far to run to find a leafy tree, and he's going to be scooting through a lot of understory growth while he dashes to it.

This tells how hunters like to hunt in the early in the season. One reason that they do this is because the trees are still have some leaves on them.

Graph / chart / map and citation

Hunting Location Summary Statistic

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #3

Coon hunting is one of the most popular sports in America today, it is quickly becoming more and more popular seemingly everyday. Very simply, hunting for Coons is great for both beginners and avid hunters, as raccoon can be a great way to practice your hunting skills for the larger game.
This explain how popular coon hunting is in America today. But what it dont say is that it can be dangerous. You have to be carful doing this because most of the time you got about five people with you and they all have gun and you dont wont to get shot.

Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

photo,caption, and ciatation #3

This is a treeing walker. What that is is a coon dog that his treed a coon. When they tree they starbarking so loud.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #2

Place a new diaphragm call halfway between your front teeth and the back of your mouth. If it feels too big and flat, bend the aluminum frame slightly downward. The call should feel more comfortable against your palate. Better yet, you’ll have a better air seal, which will sweeten the sounds of your clucks and yelps.

This tip or quote explains how you are supposed to call a turkey when they come off the roost. When you do this alot of times they will do what i call the mean run. what that is they are in a half run, like a trot.



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Photo,caption, and citation #2

This man went turkey hunting and killed a jake turkey. I know that you might not what a jake turkey is but ill explain. A jake turkey is a turkey with a beard that is under 6 inches. But if it is over 6 inches then its a tom.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Quote,paraphrase, and citation #1

Making a good shot is one of the great joys in waterfowl hunting. Indeed, shooting is the pinnacle of this sport. Everything else - scouting, building blinds, setting decoys, calling, everything – is a lead-up to that moment when you shoulder your gun and fire. Making a clean kill gives you an immediate sense of pride in a job well done.

 This talks about the way you duck hunt and what your suppose to do when you are shooting a duck. Click on the website to see more.
This relates to my topic because you can see that they have been hunting. This morning they really got them because this is alot of ducks and geese. I have never killed this many in one morning.

Wordle #1

Wordle: Hunting

Preliminary links and descriptions.

          This were I got most of my infomation for my questions

                      When you go to this site you can see that this is were I got my pictures from.

            When I went to this site I got all my duckhunting stuff.

this is were i got all my articals.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What I Want To Know About My Topic?

When I start talking about hunting there aint to much that I dont know. So I dont have any questoins about hunting.

Friday, January 28, 2011

What I Already Know About My Topic?

When you go hunting there is a lot of things you got to know. The many one is u have got to be safe. A couple things that you got to Know is when you get up in to a deer stand if it is an open deer stand you need a harness. So if you fall out of  the stand it will catch you. Another saftey tip is to have a haule line. A haule line somthing to pull your gun or bow and arrow up. Because it is not safe to carry it up the latter with you. If you was to fall off the latter you could get hurt really bad. Always check your gun and make sure that it nothings in the barrel. Make sure that it is fireing good. If you are shooting a bow and arrow make sure the strings are waxed and they are not afraid.  

The Story Behind My Topic Choice.

The main reason that I am so connected to hunting is I grew up around it. But I have had an accident happen to me that I about quit hunting. One day I was in the yard and I had just got a climbing stand from my older brother and I want to try it out well I had climbed one tree and I went to another one and I got about 5 feet off the ground and the top cable broke and I got hung up in the bottom of the climbing stand and I hung there for like 10 minutes. But my daddy finally heard me yelling. so when he got to me I was bout knocked out from all the blood in my head. But then that year I killed an eight point. So I was hooked to it again. But all and all I love it and I dont regreat doing it.